
Digital Cooking Oil Tester – testo 270
Description Testo digital cooking oil tester testo 270 for easy cooking oil monitoring to observe critical TPM(Total Polar Material)/ TPC(Total Polar Compound) values, so that you can change the...

Digital pH Meter– testo 206
Description The pH meter testo 206 equips you to measure the temperature and pH value in different media like liquid, semi solid or even more aggressive media for guaranteeing...

Waterproof Food Thermometer – testo 104
Description The first folding waterproof food thermometer testo 104 allows you to carry out quick and easy spot checks during the production, storage and processing of food. “A robust...

Food Thermometer – testo 103
Description The smallest folding food thermometer in its class, testo 103 –for carrying out spot checks in the food industry, ideal for checking incoming goods, catering services, canteens and...

Waterproof mini probe thermometer– testo Mini thermometer
Description “Small but highly reliable penetration thermometer: the mini- thermometer from Testo is perfect for measuring liquid temperatures – e.g. in the laboratory – or air temperatures in heating...